I have been consulting for the past 20 years to C Level executives at International & Global corporations; in the field of “ICT Transformation” (Information and Communications Technology) and/or “IoT-Internet of things”, even in the field of “Competence Development” towards very large organizations; helping to find Opportunities, clarify Challenges and changes that Industries and Societies will be encountering when The ICT Transformation will take place and when everything that can be connected will be connected!
The 2 methodologies I use are in a “Seminar” form or “Workshops”. All data is based on intelligent servers /BIC to guarantee up to date information.

Examples of Assignments & Achievements:

I consulted at South Korean Telecom

I consulted and certified Consultants at Ericsson AB in Japan

Consulting at different levels at MTN Nigeria

MCCI Iranian Teleoperator-Consulting to executives

Consulting at Ericsson AB at one of the most prestigious Events on Trends and ICT Transformation towards  Global C Level Customers

MDIC South Sudan -Consulting a Business Strategy Workshop

Consulting on a Joint Venture at two universities : University of Stockholm DSV /Computer Science (Data och systemvetenskap), and Saudi Arabia University of Petroleum and Minerals

Succeeded on a Joint Venture between Stockholm University and Ericsson Education Europe